
By Frogbit


With Son 2 off in the Surrey Hills with his mates on their DofE expedition W and I took the opportunity to take Son 1 out on his own before he finishes his last A level exam and sets off Inter-railing round Europe. Being the middle child he has hardly ever had any parental time on his own and it was lovely to have a chance to have him to ourselves for once without the usual robust bantering from the other two. 

Being able to sit down while someone else did the cooking was a relief after another bonanza day in the garden. W went off to do his duty as a parent walker with one of the DofE teams in the morning and while he was out I started some long overdue pruning, thus generating a healthy pile of shredding material for W to deal with on his return.  

While he shredded I mowed; the result was lots of good stuff to mix up for composting to replace what we'd removed yesterday for the rejuvenated flower bed. I even managed to run round with the edging shears before grabbing a quick shower and putting on my glad rags for going out.

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