What to eat?

I had a minor panic attack today. Over the past few years (and I am sure you are going to find this very sad), I have been building up a list of menus for each day of the year (well, weekdays anyway as Tim usually does weekends). This has resulted in a master list of meals to eat, which really helps when I come to write a shopping list. I no longer have to think "what on earth shall I cook this week?", I just look at my list and there is a meal idea for each day that I can refer to. (Yes, I know I need to get out more).

Anyway, today, I went to turn over to January (I've been ill this week so hadn't quite got into the routine again yet), only to find that there was no January or February sheets, just March onwards! Imagine my horror (I am sure you're trying, aren't you?) to think that I had lost 2 months, and consequently didn't know what on earth we could eat tonight!

Fortunately, after a few minutes of panic searching through my recipe book shelf, I found that the sheets were there all along, I just hadn't looked properly (what am I always telling the kids?). So, huge sigh of relief, as I am sure you can imagine, and tonight we are having sausage goulash as per the plan. Phew!

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