An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Sunshine in a vase...

It has rained and rained and rained and rained and rained and rained and rained some more today. In short, it's been wet! And miserable.

But I'm not! :-))

First of all Alan woke up in a good mood for a Monday and we had a lovely time together over breakfast till he was picked up for school. I then spent the morning pottering around the kitchen before preparing lunch for my lovely friend and ex-work colleague Anne who was joining me.

She arrived and we had a good old natter over lunch and an Aga scone of course and gave her a tour of the house as last time she visited we hadn't actually moved in. Sadly she couldn't linger too long afterwards as she had to head back down the road for her boys coming home from school so we have decided next time we will ditch lunch and do an evening meet up instead. With wine.

She brought me a bunch of the most beautiful orange roses. They are so vibrant I swear I can smell oranges every time I look at them. They are sitting on my kitchen window sill and depsite the horrible rain and grey sky outside, they fill my window with bright orange zestiness creating a happy sunny glow. I just couldnt resist blipping them.

Dinner to think of now.....forgot to do a Tesco online shop at the weekend so it will be freezer scrapings again!

Happy Monday back later to catch up. Fingers crossed! :) x

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