
By spitzimixi

Fruit of the day

The first time I ever had cherries I had been in hospital for over a week with a very bad infection. It had been exceedingly painful and horrible until the antibiotics kicked in and, after that it was somewhere between boring and fun. I was well enough to be active and helped the nurses entertain the babies and toddlers. I enjoyed being pampered (that wasn't part of the usual programme) and, it seemed, my very high fever and rushed trip to hospital had caused enough worry that everyone gave me presents.as I couldn't eat most sweets, I was bombarded with fruit that I had previously only eaten in my dreams. Cherries always remind me of that time and how nice it is to be properly looked after when you aren't feeling well. Despite it being a very horrible experience in many ways, it was also a very special time in an otherwise barren wasteland of a childhood.

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