
By snstephen


Today, I thought I would look to see if I could find God in the beauty of art and nature. This morning I spent an hour in one of the galleries of the National Gallery and this afternoon an hour in the Botanical Gardens. I choose this picture for its beauty even in the grotesqueness of the gremlin like 'flower' (if that's what it is - perhaps it is a dried out seed pod, I don't know). I could have chosen the miraculous - a picture of coffee growing in Ireland! Or indeed the inspirational with some snaps of wonderful art.

But beautiful and inspiring as these places were, I found God most powerfully today at the soup kitchen where I had lunch. One of the volunteers, Anne, made me feel like a welcome guest from the moment I walked in and her kindness and generosity shone like a beacon. Yesterday, I spent most of the day feeling hungry and in some cases humiliated - today I felt full and was made to feel fully human. 

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