
By Poppy

A Spring in His Step!

This afternoon Ollie and I went for a walk with Molly and her owner. The two dogs had a great time, and we humans had a good chat and caught up on all the news, scandal and gossip and each other's plans for the coming year.

It was super to see the two dogs playing and running round together, although Molly was more interested in stick fetching whereas Ollie wanted to spend his time in the sea! Shouting them was fun - Ollie and Molly - proud to say Ollie was the more obedient, but he is two years older!

Just as we left the beach, a car pulled up with five dogs in it, all in luminous hi-viz jackets! An excellent idea, much easier to see where they are than when they are semi camouflaged in the sand dunes in the half light of a winter's late afternoon! Will have to knit one for Ollie . . . . !

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