A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


It is 11 hours since I took this and it feels like a thousand. I actually feel a little like it didn't happen but I think that was mainly because I woke with conjunctivitis which always starts with a brief fever and a general feeling of being poisoned. My day of rest yesterday was clearly not sufficient to appease the Gods who Hate Musical Theatre. I managed to do a little more towards Costume Mountain and restoring the house to order following its period of neglect but it was all very half-paced.

Anna was also under par from her madness and Carl is still recovering from the virus a couple of weeks ago that wiped him out so in a weird silver lining of good news probably the healthiest person in the family today was Jackson. He headed off to a maths lesson this morning which he really enjoyed. Followed by the excitement of using a cash machine for the first time. And then heading off to meet a mate who was on an Inset* day to go out for lunch and a movie.

I'm really hoping the Gods who Love Musical Theatre will come out fighting for me with jazz hands a-go-go.

Lesley x

* teacher training day

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