The beginning and end of our day!

What a day! We got up at 6 and we're on the road by 6.35 to take our camper 90 miles to a garage to get the door sorted. Arrived 5 mins early and after half hour were told they weren't equipped to do it. Off to another VW garage they recommended. They couldn't help. Went to another VW garage who could help but very expensive part and could do it in 2 weeks! It's now 9.30 and no breakfast! Decided to live with door as is! Went off to campsite we had booked for 5 way, it was awful. It had just been taken over and we decided to leave. Got our money back and travelled 2 hours to the one we are at now. Very small but got all we need and it's beautiful. The photos show our sunrise through the pop top on the camper and our sunset where we are now. Long day!

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