A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Mono Monday 179 :: MM179 :: 15 Mins of Fame

I guess there are different levels of 'fame', those who for some reason or another hit the headlines across the world, within their own community or just simple within their own head. Then there are TV celebrities....

I have had my moments in the past like when the local radio station in Hannibal, Missouri ran an interview with me before they ran the news about the Reykjavík Summit between Gorbachev and Reagan!

However I think the most memorable time I hit the press was when I finally achieved a 12 year quest to honour a policemen who died at Buckingham Palace during WW2. You can, if you wish, read the full story on my website about the officer, A Death at Garden Gate

It was reported in the London evening newspapers and I have seen snippets from papers as far away as Canada and Malaysia. Lady Healey's book 'The Queen's House' also names me in her credits about the incident.

My Blip is of the book, a Christmas present from the Queen Mother, a pin our social club produced at the time and a photograph of myself being presented to the Queen Mother just after she unveiled the plaque for the fallen officer. As far as I'm aware this remains not only the first but possibly the only memorial plaque within the grounds of the Palace.

This was also my final time in uniform as I was on my countdown to an early medical retirement. The event finished with having lunch with the Commissioner at New Scotland Yard.

I will confirm the host for July shortly. Watch this space... ;o)

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