Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

In sync

Sorry it's not an interesting photo today. Busy, and suffering a near fatal case of Mondayitis.

But. This amused me immensely. This is what my facebook looked like today.
That's my post... Updated 30 seconds after Beardy updated his...
Both about glasses.

We never mentioned to each other that today we would be sorting out new eyes. I didn't even plan on going to the optometrist today, but a test last Friday was buggered because of my horrendous hayfever, and told to return when I wasn't dealing with symptoms... Which was today. Turns out the results actually weren't, it's just that medications have seriously dicked with my vision.
I didn't know until I was out and about that I was sans hayfever symptoms, so I make a split second decision to return today.

So, Beardy and I are soooo in sync. We already knew that we are very, very similar in most ways, except for the obvious male/female difference. What made it funnier is that upon giggling at each other on the phone after this, it turns out we actually ended up getting the exact same pair of glasses ordered, too.
We go to the same chain of optometrists, but at different locations.
We get glasses sorted on the same day.
We get the same glasses.
We update our facebooks 30 seconds apart, about said glasses.
What are the chances.

I promise you, there has been no cut and paste. This is exactly as it showed up in my newsfeed.

I mentioned this to my best friend, and my mother... Both said that CLEARLY Beardy is the one, which frightens me a little, given that I'm only two months out of a long term relationship, and I am in abolutely NO hurry to have a serious relationship. Likewise with Beardy. We don't want rebound. We're just taking it one day at a time and enjoying each other's company.

But... Seriously. Who is THAT synced up with someone?!

EDIT: I forgot that I didn't blip yesterday... Which I have just rectified with a back-blip... About two more people who are so insanely, unbelievably in sync, it should be against the law.
(Warning, cuteness overload)

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