Topsy Turvy!

International Handstand Day......okay, it was yesterday, but I couldn't let it go unrecognised, could I? I had persuaded Kim to do a handstand for me whilst we were at work today, but we had a dramatic faint from a donor right at the end of the session and it took about an hour for her to recover enough to go home. So between the sick bowls, the cool packs, the water and the cleaning up the handstand photo never happened. Instead I had to balance and flip in front of a white wall on the street when I arrived home. I hope no-one saw me as you know I don't like to make a fool of myself!

I had a dreadful shock yesterday which has left me reeling. A few days ago I heard the awful news on the radio about a young woman who had been murdered in Wigan. It only registered with me yesterday that I recognised the name....Ellen Higginbottom was four years old when she came into my reception class. A little blonde girl who was clever. This time last week she was a beautiful young eighteen year old who was about to embark on a medical degree, but some evil scum destroyed her future when he viciously murdered her. I just can't imagine what her poor mother is going through.  

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