
By TheBigCheese1

Good times...

Had a brill day (if a little loud at times). The Barker Clan came round and the Hollowspy's. The Dopski was very excited and squeely!

Mrs H took over the BBQ (phewee!) and did a grand job. The pets were all mauled for a good length of times and only peed a little (Kevin did a lot) bit on the carpet and Mr H's trousers - giggle!

Then the pool came out and the children went in. It had to have hot water in it to combat the drizzle and general temperature. Good fun and lots of squealing all round!

Now sitting with a large glass of wine whilst eating my way through my body weight of left over salad (blip). The Dopski is gamely chomping her way through the celery/pepper/carrot sticks :)

Been a very enjoyable and fab day :))

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