Gardening Sunday

A relaxation day.  An early breakfast, a lie in, time to think, and take things slowly.  Some pottering in the garden and a trip to the garden centre to buy some new plants to fill a troublesome spot in the front garden and to fill a couple of pots in the back garden.  A happy few hours gardening in the sunshine, putting in my new plants - a couple of echinacea in the front and some deep burgundy trailing geraniums in the back.  I realised both have special connections for me.  Mum loved echinacea and had lots of different varieties in her garden.  I now have a couple - these pink ones - and a red one.  She also nurtured geraniums in pots - the plants being descended from those kept by my great-grand-mother.  I find gardening a bit like cooking - it passes memories and traditions from generation to generation.  I wonder if anyone has any studied this influence?

Late this afternoon the sky has filled with clouds but I don't think we will be getting any rain - which is  much needed after the baking heat of the last week.  I've given in and am using (in very limited quantities) my metered (and fit for drinking) water to put on some of my more precious or distressed looking plants in the garden.

I hope your day has been a good one.

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