Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine

Seconds Please!

Shana Tova Blippers!

It's Rosh Hashanah! Happy New Year! I'm not jewish but my boyfriend Ethan is, so we celebrated with his family and had a traditional dinner with sweets galore! It's typical to have apple with honey, apple sauce, and other sweet things on Rosh Hashanah. Kids usually eat lots of candy, I love it.

After we ate apples with honey, raisin halal bread and toasted our red wine for appetizers, we started the main course! Apple kugel, apple sauce, rice pilaf (with things inside), salad, and baked chicken. It was incredible, I had to go back for seconds.

Today also marks the day that we finished Buffy, The Vampire Slayer. It's been a 3 year process for me to finish this show. Let me tell you, I bawled my eyes out at the end. I won't give away spoilers but if you have never seen this show: Go Watch Right Now. While you're at it, watch everything and anything Joss Whedon has written/produced. The man is a genius.

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