
I went for a wander to parts of where I lived that I haven't been to before and ended up in a new part that's just being developed. Of course it's a road here and not a runway but that's what I thought as I crossed and looked down.

I woke early this morning to the sound of heavy rain on the roof. I smiled as I thought of my garage now leak free. What a good feeling. The rain cleared by lunchtime and the sun appeared during the afternoon.

I've taken a gentle approach to today. I recently read a BBC article about the brain and the value of rest and day dreaming. I have a demanding job and it made me think about how to get the best out of time at work. While I did a stint in the kitchen I've let me brain just wander and hopefully refresh and recharge.

Tomorrow morning I'm expecting sub-zero temperatures to bike to work in. I'll need to be sharp and careful as there are parts of the cycle way that stay damp and they'll be black ice. Be careful hpx.

Today's gratitude: For peace and quiet. It's pretty quiet where I live and I like that.

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