
After a thoroughly delightful breakfast in the lovely Hampson's Iberian abode (extra), I headed home. Sad to leave them but it's such a joy to see them settled on the island and to see that it's where they're meant to be. Every time I go, things have moved on and this visit they seemed like part of Ibiza's furniture, we couldn't go more than a few metres without someone stopping to chat - how wonderful! Ibiza needs team H.

Work had booked me onto a British Airways flight home - it was very super swish compared to my usual! And then to see the grinning faces of our children through the car window when they collected me - purest joy!

Once home, the children were thrilled to discover my bag contained presents which kept them happily entertained for hours (thanks Hamp5on). The pic features a gloriously chilled Zeke - I flippin' love it when he naps on me! After 3 nights on his own with the children, Ant disappeared for a well earned blast up the hills on his bike and is just returning - looking forward to an evening with lots to talk about after a few days apart.

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