New toy

After a rather reflective day yesterday, today dawned bright and warm again.

I spent two hours kicking my heels at Immigration, waiting for them to transfer a sticker from one passport to the other. A job that should have taken about 5 minutes maximum and ended up taking what seemed like a lifetime. However, sitting next to a Buddhist monk for most of the time, I drew as much zen as I could muster and didn't fidget or get grumpy ... much. At least they had air conditioning.

I've been toying with the idea of upgrading the trusty 20D to a 50D but have decided today that I'll leave it as is. I've decided to buy a few new toys instead. I'd like another lens at some point but for today I placated myself with some spacers for my 60mm macro lens.

This shot has all three of the babies attached, taking my macro lens to 125mm. This bug died of natural causes a while ago and has been residing in a little pottle waiting for a blip-free day. With my new toy, I can see right up its nose.

I feel a LOT of fun coming on.

Man, it's hot. I have to sign off now before I melt in a little puddle of Barking all over the study floor. It's like typing in a sauna (I would imagine, never having typed in a sauna before).
Night all.

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