
Last day in the office for a couple of weeks!  Woohoo!  Had a good day getting on top of everything, and even found time to tidy my desk.  Never been known before!  (Not just before a holiday anyway.)  I popped over to the Barbican with my friend Sarah at lunch, then to Whitecross Street market to get some lunch.  We took it back to work and our ex-colleague Roeland turned up for a visit - lovely to see him again.

Managed to get finished up in good time and had a quick cheeky beer with several of my colleagues before heading home.  Cooked dinner, took down a load of washing, hung up a load more, and emptied the dishwasher - while Tim sorted out various bits and pieces on the car.  We decided to save our packing for the morning, and he went out and picked us up some beer.  Holiday has begun!

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