
Today there was a marked drop in temperature to a mere 28, and it was overcast. Thomas swam the width of the pool with no fin underwater. Then he dived repeatedly to pick up his goggles from the bottom.

We took the boys in the camper van to le Bugue on the Vezere River where there is the supposedly largest privately owned aquarium and alligator park. While the parents had a welcome break the boys spent a happy 3 hours looking firstly at the fish in the aquariums, then we were outdoors at an area with terrapins followed by the alligator area, before seeing some snakes - the boys stroked one but as I had to hold James up to reach, there's no photo. Then they spent ages at the carp pond - they tried to feed then leaves which the carp would rise to investigate, but not eat.

Negligent Granny forgot to sanitise their hands before giving them ice creams. I hope there are no repercussions.

We have changed our plans - we have been requested to stay on as our help is welcome - James can be a terrible 2 and the heat isn't helping. We can make another trip perhaps to do the walking/cycling/kayaking we'd planned. And if the forecast is correct we'll be getting a week of rain.

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