A Different Perspective
I went along to Blickling today to see a couple of exhibitions, unfortunately without G due to a migraine. The first exhibition was of the work of local artists working in glass, ceramic and bronze. It included work by Chris White who I bought a stained panel from recently - his panels looked wonderful against the background of the plants at Blickling and I've added one of a badger as an extra. One lady did lovely bronzes - but that'll have to wait for another year. The other exhibition was of needlework pictures and other craft items, which was also interesting.
I did a free tour of the house before the public were allowed entry, which was both interesting and great for photos as I could hang around at the back of the group and take shots without lots of people. I'm always surprised that stately homes generally didn't have corridors, so it was great to get the shot above all the way through several rooms. You can just see a bit of what looks like an old and valuable carpet in the next room, but this is actually an iRug (I think that's what the lady said) - a modern synthetic version created from detailed photos of the original and which people can walk on and the original can be preserved.
I do like Blickling (see extras for a photo of the house) and would recommend it if you're in the North Norfolk area.
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