Wasps and computers - both know how to sting you!

As I've had so many ICT problems my Blipping has been a bit `here and there', and this one brings me up to date.  To bring the story up to date, I was stung on the ear last Tuesday when I went to hang my garden shoes up in the shed (where there already several others hanging).  As I turned to leave there was an angry buzzing in my ear and `wham', I was stung!  So it had to be a call to Merv, in the guise of pest control man, who came with his carton of wasp killing powder, which he squirted where they seem to be going into the shed and which by now had done its job.  So this is what I found as I started to remove boots and trainers.  Glued between the soles of the waterproof boots and around the laces and uppers of the pair of boots below was the start of this nest.  It almost seems sacrilege to destroy it, but a wasps nest in this spot wasn't a good idea from our point of view (or theirs, as it turns out).

The rest of my day was spent trying to sort out computers and internet.  Setting up a new router (easy), getting rid of emails (feeling overwhelmed by junk), trying to get the printer to work (frustrating but finally cracked it in the early evening) and starting out again as a new user on my old Macbook Air (with all the accompanying problems of setting up of passwords).  I've still not heard news of the laptop I bathed in beer, so need to make a phone  call this morning before I go into Sheffield this afternoon.

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