Ulva- Sheila's Cottage Radio Ham

On the spur of the moment we stopped at the inlet by the island of Ulva to see if the otters appeared again - we saw one but decided to cross in the little ferry for a walk and a coffee at the Boathouse Cafe which is just a short distance across the water. A golden eagle had flown over our cottage this morning and as we walked around part of the island to the Telford built church, we saw a white tailed eagle too. The church is sadly falling into disrepair - floorboards giving way but the walk was lovely.

In the tiny museum where a lone woman lived from the 1900s to the 1950s , a very basic life recreated for visitors, we were amazed to find this German radio ham broadcasting to the world . He had carried all his kit over on the ferry. 
We ended up having a wonderful lunch at the cafe too.Once a very friendly family had left, the only sound was that of the oyster catchers.

We went on to Loch Baa where we cycled along the forest track by the loch before the rain came back !
We start our journey home tomorrow sadly - so glad we have missed the heat down south.

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