
One more rugby class then it is the long summer break. Seems I'm the only one that wants such things to carry on over any holidays.

This photo is posed, which is notable as it is the first time I've asked him to pose for the photo and smile and he's actually genuinely complied with the posing.

Went to the park by bus this afternoon, because we could. We just bike along to the bus stop, get the first bus that comes, and get off at a park. Nice to have this new activity to add to our repertoire. 

Whilst on his bike I mentioned to CyclopsJnr that bigger boys and girls have pedals on their bikes and would he like to try that, and cool as anything he lifted his feet to coast down the road whilst doing a peddling motion. Yes, then?

CyclopsJnr also told us today that he'd be scuba diving and high diving once he got big and strong. We'd read a book about scuba diving and watched a bit of Tom Daley on Youtube, both of which which he found quite exciting and apparently inspiring.

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