Handball Tournament

It was the Y2 Handball tournament today. I haven't a clue how one plays handball, though Katie has been vaguely explaining some of the rules the last week. The one she most understood was the notion that its bad to score an own goal. She wasn't convinced it was going to go very well, though she was looking forward to it. She woke up a bit nervous this morning. I couldn't watch the tournament as I was at work but she came out excited that her team had come second overall. She was a little disappointed that she'd only been allowed to touch the ball four times in all of their four matches though. Three of her team had played the majority of the games. But she liked being in the team that came second. 

They had a nice afternoon after the morning of four matches - they said the children could have a games afternoon as a treat. Katie spent most of it playing Junior Monopoly. She decreed that she liked that as she won twice. 

Dancing after school and then heading to Bs to do the garden. Once Katie had picked and gobbled up some raspberries, watered the lawn and cartwheeled in it, Katie vanished. When I had finished the watering, I went to find her and she was sat at Bs piano playing away with a little smile on her face. 

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