All white on the night

I went down to the Community Garden this afternoon to meet the gasmen who are going to come next Thursday to carry out some free work. 

Unfortunately my view of the garden doesn't match up with the opinions of others. I'm a believer in educating kids away from trampling the plants - I watched a boy lie down on top of a nice Japanese maple - while others think we should make these informal 'paths' trodden out by the children into official ones. 

Anyway, I failed to find a suitable Blip, so when I got home I photographed this lovely Deutzia scabra 'Candidissima', which grows on the bank opposite our kitchen window. A lovely shrub with glistening white double flowers. I remember from my Holyrood days shrubs in this family were given a short back and sides every winter, so of course they never flowered. I did mention this fact to my boss at the time, but I don't think he was impressed - shrubs got pruned in the winter, full stop!

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