A Popular Children's Toy !

From the Greek, kales, eidos and skopios, meaning beautiful, form and view. I put the camera to the viewing eye piece of the children's kaleidoscope, to see what it would look like. After several attempts, these were the two best shots. Being curious I had to find out more. Although the mathematician Ptolemy and the ancient Greeks had contemplated the effects of abutting multiple mirrors, the kaleidoscope is the creation of David Brewster, 1781-1865. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society who studied the properties of light, and was knighted in 1831. He invented and patented the kaleidoscope in 1816. Also, his flat Fresnel lens is used in lighthouses, saving many lives.      Today, I was delighted to see a sprinkling of rain, and stood on the balcony to cool off. Still very warm but cloudy.        

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