All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Play Doh

I had a VERY lazy morning today.

Although I initially got up with Ethan at 6.30am and got his milk for him, he then snuggled up in bed with hubbie and I to drink it. He was happy to stay there for a while but when he wanted to go downstairs to play I "persuaded" hubbie to go with him. I then managed to languish in bed until an unheard of 11am! At that point, hubbie decided enough was enough and that he wanted to go back to bed himself, so him and Ethan came to "wake me up"!

Both hubbie and I played with the Play Doh with Ethan. As you can see, hubbie is much more creative than me as he made a snake while Ethan and I just managed lots of letters (and I've just noticed lots of the "A"s are the wrong way round!

I took Ethan to the pet shop late afternoon - he loves looking at the fish, rabbits and guinea pigs in there. Then over to the Foreveryoungs. Usually I stay there with him on a Sunday night too but he's having a sleepover without me tonight. Fingers crossed it goes well!

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