
I had the pleasure to enjoy a play at the "Hessischen"  theater  festival in Darmstadt.
It is an inclusive theater and the son of my friend take part in it together with ten other people with special needs. The play had the tilel "Ungeheuer", that means "monster", but also "enormous" or "outrageous".
They had developed the play on their own, following the question: "What are you afraid of?" It was really impressive!
I risked to get kicked out of the play blipping Kai while his solo. (ups :-/   )
He was playing "King Lion" (one of his favourite) but the figures were actors.
I found an article and an introduction about it, but nothing in English.
If anybody has interest I'll try an translation, but later in the evening.
(I'm in a hurry now  :-/   )
And an official photo

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