
I bet in a million years you would not guess what this is.
It would be nice to see what you come up with...what it reminds you of...I will tell you tomorrow.

Dad is at home again now....and seems to be doing pretty good fingers are crossed for an easier time for Mum....and for that matter for him too.

I think we are going to get a cat/kitten early next week.............on Sunday we will go and have a cuddle to see if we bond with the little guy.

I am hunting down a Solar System for the will be a little more expensive than the electricity we are paying for now but it will feel good to use mostly clean energy.......besides we live in the Sunburnt country...with sunlight in spades...lets use what is given is my thinking.

I love this from Longfellow...

“And the night shall be filled with music,
And the cares, that infest the day,
Shall fold their tents like the Arabs,
and silently steal away.”


Thank you Ingeborg for hosting today's challenge.

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