Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

970. What a day!

I don't really know where to start today as it's been a real roller coaster ride...my Blip today is my son-in-law and the photo was taken by my step-daughter as I haven't had a minute to spare to take photos today...Brian is a great character and was asked to do his "nice smily face" by his wife!

This morning was fairly quiet but the afternoon was completely mental!

My step-daughter and her hubby were through here to buy a new fridge freezer and whilst she was here she decided to go and have a look at some new cameras....she came away thinking she might go for a Panasonic GX8...which funnily enough is the camera I have...so she's away with my camera and all of my lenses to try them out for a week before deciding!  So she took this photo in our lounge tonight!

We also hosted a residents association meeting tonight and had a very successful discussion about some major works to our development...so a very busy day...I'm glad it's over.....

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