In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

One fine day

One fine day 34 years ago,it was a Tuesday, June and I got married.
I was a single parent taking time out from taxi driving to bring up my two children.
I was unemployed at the time.
One day whilst visiting a friend, this red haired lady popped in.
I next saw her in Union Terrace Gardens whilst I was in there frisbeeing.
Some short time later I was collecting signature for a petition as part of the Aberdeen Unemployment Union to hand into the council so unemployed people could get cheap bus fares.
June signed the petition; so one day with Janine and Stevaan in tow, along with another child called Ayolla, who I watched after school, I went down to her flat and asked her out for a drink that evening.
She accepted, and that evening we went to the Masada Lounge bar.
The kids came too.
Now after all this time, 7 grandkids and 2 great grandkids, she still manages to put up with me.
And she is still my best friend and soul mate who I still love immensely.

Never mind my big hair, it was the 80's.

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