Flowers et al

By dandylion

The other David

After 30 minutes in a queue to see Michelangelo's David (with another hour to go) we found out that an exact replica had been placed in its original position in a piazza five minutes away. A much better use of an hour of our morning in Florence, before a slightly rushed walk to the station for an 11.45 train to Turin.

The tourist sites of Italy have highlighted to me both the overreliance of people on recording every second of their lives on their phones* (mostly with pictures they will never look at again), and my annoyance at it. The idyllic Duomo would have been much better without hoardes of tourists with selfie sticks and the fake shutter sounds. Saying that, here is a picture of fake David that I will never look at again.

*appreciate the irony of saying this on Blip.

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