Soft Peaks

Beating the egg whites to soft peaks with an electric mixer. I would normally do it manually but, because of the injury on my wrist, I have to do it this way instead. A bit faster and handier, I have to say!

Feeling a bit hangover this morning after going out last night, although I didn't drink that much. Sometimes you just get a headache after having had only a couple of drinks. I guess it depends how your body is.

Although I was not feeling great, I did some cleaning in the house and then I went to the shops to get a couple of things. In the afternoon I was baking. My house smells of lovely chocolate sponge! :)

I'm not planning to do much more today as I'm still not feeling great. Time to relax now.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! :)

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