Spoon Shots

By spoonshots

Beach Hut!!

What a super day today was! We drove up to Norfolk (Wells) in the morning to get into our beach hut the Mrs had rented for the day for the continuing birthday celebrations. Every year we celebrate with fish and chips by the sea, and this year we did it in style. The weather, as is normally the case, was gorgeous.

We relaxed in our deck chairs reading and chatting. Then some ladies from a the Red Hat Gang turned up in the hut next to us and things got exciting. They are an over 50s women's group that get together to have fun and they certainly looked like they were, especially when they were having space hopper races down the beach!

We went and got our fish and chips from town and brought them back to eat on the beach. They were lovely and it was just a perfect birthday moment. The red hat ladies were a little jealous so we offered to drive them down to the fish shop. When we returned they all sang Happy Birthday to me.

Here you can see them enjoying their supper in front of their hut, they didn't need any encouragement to raise the spoon salute :-D

As the sun went down we went for a stroll along the beach which was lovely and then we went looking for the wild camping site we had booked that morning. It was proper wild and very nice. We saw an owl fly over head as the stars started to come out and we were in bed by 9!

Today is my sister's birthday so we tried to contact her but only managed to text and leave an answer phone message, she is travelling to the South of Chile today so it wasn't possible to chat. Happy Birthday Sis!

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