Hot hills

Up early and drove west for a day in the hills.

The weather made the green landscape tempting.

First hills of the day ascended through d oaks and regeneration of hazel, willows and birch.

Passed a couple of bee hives which looked like black bees.

The deciduous woodland was full of sound and life. A Jay was startled and I disturbed it and a roe deer.

On open hill flowers everywhere and a small group of red deer near the summit.

Stunning clear views all around.

A lovely angled grassy slope made a runnable descent to the bealach for next ascent.

A sit down for fluids and food. A gentle ascent to a great viewpoint to local big hills.

Down on new forest tracks.

A wee drive to next hill. Initial starting point the foot bridge closed so plan b further north.

A pleasant woodland ascent with the trees giving shade. A pair of sunglasses found on the track.

Route error led me too far west and a struggle along a 'killing fence' with many desperate deer tracks looking for access to forest. At some points the peat had been scraped away to allow a crawl under the fence. The gate had been taken of and deer now have free range. Many bounced in the trees.

A hot corrie led to many water stops and a food stop.

Summit achieved and stunning views with golden plover screeching at me.

Worked out a descent and headed off. Golden plover alarming all around, one startled in front of me and flew off. A huge shadow flew over my head, an eagle chased a pounced in front of me. Amazing a juvenile Goldie stood in front of me, looked at me and just glided off on the thermals.

Meandered through fire breaks and hit the gate to nature reserve. Towering Scot pine in a beautiful setting.

Back at car and a wee dip in the river to cool down.

Home via a water stop and a chippy visit.

Buzzing after a great day out.

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