Water water everywhere

A slight respite from the heat today. Only 27 degrees instead of yesterday's 32 and a bit of a breeze which was very welcome on my sunburnt chest!

Me and xander went to music this morning. He was being so funny trying to freeze ray Louise the teacher during the hokey koke. We came home and chilled for a bit before deciding to wash my car. Xander helped really well even if he did get himself drenched in the process.

We collected Pheebs from school and then it was paddling pool time. The 3 of us had great fun and we all got soaking from the sprinkler. Grandad popped in on his way home from work. He got a soaking too! I forgot to make any tea in all the excitement. So it was a late one tonight meaning that it was only just dished up as James got home.

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