Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

In my village

One or two people yesterday suggested that I should keep taking things easy. I had much more energy this morning, so I thought I'd be fine, but it didn't last. So, I've been taking things easy at home and wishing I was feeling 100% again.

I spent a long time entering all the passport numbers for the Poland trip onto's website. I found that one expiry date was obviously wrong. By the time I'd 'phoned and checked, the website timed me out and I have to start all over again. No comment!

Mum had organised a volunteer hospital driver to take her to her eye appointment in Stanley. She had a longish time away because she was picked up early and then had to wait for a different driver to bring her home. Both drivers were pronouced "very good", which is high praise. All this for a 5 minute appointment, but she saw the consultant and was given an update on her eyes.

After our meal, I went for a wander in the village. There are 2 old greenhouses standing together. From one side, they look disused, but when I walked around I found signs of activity. A hen came to greet me and I loved the poppies growing in a row.

As I came home, I spotted a lively Jack Russell in our garden. She lives fairly near and I was able to take her home by grabbing her collar and walking her along the road. She has escaped 4 hours earlier and had sore eyes from running through the crops.

Very tired now. The pain is controllable but I'll glad when it goes away.

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