Low pressure

Just read about finnish study about how low pressure affects differently to men and women. 

Men become more alert and fit by low pressure, whereas women get tired, headaches, low mood. And vise versa, women having all the energy of the world by high pressure, but men feeling tired and energy off...

My turn to be tired: Raining all the day, windy and blue and grey. I really felt, that someone was standing on my head and pressing my cheeks. 
On the coffee break I studied about the air pressure affecting people's mind and soul and found the study.

Low pressure 999,4 hPa. On my.

After works visit some dinner and bicycling to supermarket. Met a distant neighbour and chatted with her standing in the thin rain. Her husband has got Alzheimer's approximately in same shape as my father is. A lot to talk about. 

In the evening a big bowl of greek cherries and a movie "Impossible" 2012 telling about the Tsunami in Kao Lak by christmas time. Horrified about the contitions. I never could manage. But our president did.

In the evening clouds moving away. Nice.


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