Rough cut (Day 775)

After a quick scoot up the hill with the dogs, we headed across to Coldomo again.
Back home for lunch and a trip out to Evie for a wander on the beach with the woofers. Although I snapped a few shots, nothing was really inspiring me today, and the pictures are distinctly average.
Walkies done and dogs fed at home, I spent a bit of time out in the shed finishing off a bit of carving I have been working on for a few days. It is a house sign which my beautiful wife has been hinting she would like done for a while. I knew which stone it was going to be going on ages ago, and have spent a while planning it in my head. The first strike of the chisel showed that the stone was incredibly hard, and it has take an lot longer than I thought to carve this. I wanted a deliberately rough appearance, and have left a lot of tool marks in the stone. Mrs P is reasonably happy.
Extras of the whole of the finished article. It will do...

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