Mission accomplished!

Tuesday 20th June 2017 (1760)

After going in to school this morning I took the rest of the morning off and took Liz to Formby Woods. Last time we went we didn't see any red squirrels so we were keeping our fingers crossed this time. 

Within 5 mins one darted across the path in front of us, so fast we couldn't react in time. We soon realised why it may have been running away as a noisy party of school children came round the squirrel walk and then we were passed by another party going the other way ... no chance of seeing squirrels then!  We did the circular walk twice but didn't see any. We did manage a few camera lessons though. 

After our picnic and ice cream we decided to give the walk one more go. We saw one in the feeding cage and although we got a few shots it was a long way away and through the wire. We were almost back at the end of the walk when we spotted another but within seconds we also heard the noise of the same school party coming back through the woods! The squirrel shot to the top of the tree and then jumped from tree to tree, We were soon surrounded by noisy children shouting about seeing it. Even so, as the squirrel ran the tree tops, we did manage a couple of clear shots, like this one when he paused for a brief moment. So, mission accomplished, Liz saw and photographed a red squirrel  - my tour guide and camera tutor duties were over. 

We returned early afternoon so she could set off home and I could get back to work. It was a lovely break during this hot weather. 

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