The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Blip and run...

After I walked the dogs, I cooked Dad and I egg white omelettes and then Dad came with me to the gym. It was really nice to have his company and I enjoyed my intervals session...hit 19.2km/h for my sprints, definitely getting quicker! Came home to get showered and eat, and then we pottered and did jobs until Karen and Nick came to collect their chair. Think they were rather impressed with Mum and Dad's renovation skills!

Afterwards we went to the Pheasantry Micro Brewery to have a look around. Bit disappointing, not much to see. We had a cuppa and tried their pale ale and East Markham cider...cider was nice, I think you would like the ale. Not my kind of thing! We then got the dogs and headed up to the railway tracks, hoping to collect blackberries. Seems we missed the best of the batch, so we only came home with a few in the big green bowl!

Facetime was a bit frustrating this afternoon, I really wanted to be able to talk to you. I hope we have better luck mid week.

Have a nice week...hope the rain subsides for next weekend so that you and Roger get to go and run for the weekend!xxx

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