Roly's Life

By Roly


An uneventful day at work followed by an epic road trip to Cambridge. The first leg to Bristol went very smoothly.

The second leg after collecting MrRoly was less smooth. Not long after the M4/M5 interchange, the overhead gantries advised us that M5 was shut.

Using our 'local' knowledge from having spent years drive by between either Rugby or Banbury to Bristol, we opted for the A46 to Coventry. I entertained MrRoly with some Convoy (the film with Kris Krrstofferson) singing and speaking "look out for beats in the air") as we were stuck amongst quite a lot of lorries using the same alternative route.

Imagine our delight at reaching the M40 to find the A46 closed - a not so quick detour through the centre of Warwick then goodness knows where and we were back on track again and arrived safe and sound not long after 1 (am on Saturday)!

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