Mama Oriole hunting for bugs

I am wishing for the sea breezes we had yesterday in New Castle New Hampshire at a lovely park by the ocean for T's great niece's graduation party. It was wonderful to see so many of her family and of course the precious almost 3 year old twins, Jacob and Logan. 

I'm getting ready for Saturday's annual Garden Club activity, the Fairy Houses have an afternoon planned of attaching small wooden skewers to the 100 little fairies cutouts I have printed and cut from Cicely Barker's originals. Each home builder can select a fairy to construct a house for from the natural materials we have available.

For the Record,
This day came in hazy, hot and humid.

All hands worried about the 'Princeling Kushner", 45 and the Middle East. Heartfelt thoughts for London,  once again.

Extra, Identical twin Logan and his bubble and watermelon slice. I think the watermelon slice shot is my favorite photo taken with my new Leica SL.

Jacob's eyelashes(Logan's are just the same!)

Watermelon sequence

Jacob's catch

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