
My Dear Fellow,

I love Pret, and have recently taken to going there every morning for a pastry and a coffee. Hanover Street is a little out of my way as I head to the tram, but only a little bit. And anyway, sometimes I get the coffee for free, because I am just adorable. Yes, that is the reason, shut up.

It's an extravagance, I know. And I definitely pay over the odds, as opposed to in the cheap in-house coffee place at my office. But my feeling is that everyone needs something to raise their spirits on their way to work, right? I look around the tram and everyone looks so GRUMPY, clutching their mobiles or staring into space. It is really depressing.

Not me. I am a little ray of sunshine, holding my bag of Pret treats. The tram conductors notice this and sometimes chat to me. I strongly suspect the other passengers think I am a simple-minded idiot.

I do not care. I have pastry and COFFEE. La la la la.

If I weren't me, I think I'd probably find me really irritating.


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