This is why dodos are extinct.
I've been down to the Community Garden at Atlantis Leisure today, doing a bit of measuring and note-taking in readiness for meeting the guys from Scottish Gas Networks on Thursday. They're coming on Thursday week to give us a free day with seven men and free materials as part of their social duty or whatever they call it. I want to be sure that they know exactly what they'll be doing. Fitting some new bed edges, removing a load of aggregate along the back fence to convert it to beds and digging a big hole to bury loads of rocks which are lying about for some reason and using the soil to fill other beds. I spoke to a few Mums this afternoon, asking whether their kids enjoyed the garden, and they generally agreed that their kids had great fun rushing through the flower beds and making dens! Am I mad? Quite possibly.
Anyway, after having taken several photographs of other things I saw this van parked in the car park at McCaig's Tower, and thought it would be more fun than people bowling or the 'Clansman' steaming out of Oban!
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