inspiration all around us

By Marykathleen

inspired by a friend

It has been tucked away in a drawer for a number of years now and if it hadn't been for Mary's encouragement, it would still have been there. I don't think this song was even written when I last tootled on my 'flute'.

It is a lovely Scotts pear-wood tenor recorder that I inherited from my aunt many years ago. It has only once made a public appearance at a Women's Rural concert. I was accompanying a friend singing a medieval carol. All went well until I reached a b flat and forgot the fingering. My friend stopped singing, so we started again. I was hoping that my fingers would find the note second time round, but no luck. Stage fright took hold and we walked off the platform!

I'm not sure I'll play in public again, but at least I can enjoy making music with a good friend.

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