Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Winter Pansy

Today we went to Scotsdales to get some winter pansies and to have lunch. My favourite shop and today they were not up to their usual standard. When I explained that I was a coeliac, I was told that I could not eat the potatoes, which came with the roasts, so the only other thing I could have was a jacket potato with cheese and salad. When Mr A's roast pork arrived there were also boiled new potatoes! Someone does not know what they are talking about. The gluten-free chocolate brownie, which is usually very moreish was very stale and tasted as though it had been there a week.

We did get some pansies and this is one of them. The summer bedding plants are now out of the tubs and window boxes and the winter pansies are in; this must indicate that winter is on its way!

Update on Dougal - Last might when I telephoned I was told he had not needed as much morphine as had been written up for him and that he had been eating. He had also been rolling on his back to have his tummy tickled. When the surgeon telephoned this morning he said that he was comfortable and was likely to come off the morphine today; he still has a fluid drip and a catheter. Both back legs are moving, although they are very swollen as to be expected. If all goes well he starts physiotherapy tomorrow and if he makes good progress, he might be able to come home on Friday or Saturday.

Many thanks everyone for your good wishes for us and for Dougal, we made spotlight two days in a row!

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