Knockan Crag


Today was probably the worst weather of the week with torrential rain and gale force winds, but it was our last full day so we decided to drive as far north as we could regardless.  

We drove through Ullapool (buying some Highland Stoneware pottery as I can't resist it!) and Ardmair and stopped at Knockan Crag to take this photo in the pouring rain.  Then it was on to Ledmore Junction and past a mini Loch Awe (quite a contrast to the one in Argyll) to the usually beautiful Loch Assynt.  What a shame we could hardly see it, but I managed a quick shot of Ardvreck Castle through an open car window.

We finished up at Lochinver (another visit to the Highland Stoneware pottery to chat to the painters) and then decided enough was enough and there was little point in driving further north.  We know the road round to Drumbeg well, having spent a week there a few years ago and there was no way we were going to tackle it in such poor visibility!  Some of the best beaches in Scotland are on that coast, but it wasn't a day to appreciate them!  Another time maybe?

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