Gitama's World

By Gitama

Like A Bird.......

.......That is how we both felt when we got to the ocean this afternoon even though it was windy and cold.
There is nothing like the ocean for a sense of space and freedom...I had tears in my eyes when we arrived...Rumi would of loved it today...its funny how I still keep looking for him.

When the boy spread his wings...I knew  he felt just the same as I so happy to be in such a big space and breath that sea air.......ergo this is what I needed to blip tonight even though the pink fluffy clouds as the sun sank were gorgeous.

I knew it...I had a feeling...I was a little worried about Dad coming out of Hospital. After a few falls and less that 24hours he was back in...the Ambulance had to be called.

It's such an intense time as those of you who have lost your folk know...there are so many feelings and...well....all sorts of things that are tangled up together its hard to separate and get a handle on it all..............on one hand I would fight for his life and on the other I hate to see him loose his dignity.....on one hand I want him to stay around ......on the other I want him to find peace.

The ocean is such a balm on the crazy mixed up heart and mind...just watching the waves roll in is just the best ....phew!
I feel like I can breath a bit better tonight.

“I was always an unusual girl.
My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean.”
- Lana Del Rey

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