Last night's accommodation

I wasn't too hot, or too cold, but I did wake frequently. Even with the extra roll mat, my bones still like a bed. We were in the bigger of the two tents. Last used for a proper holiday in Exmoor, perhaps 8 years ago? It was memorable for the wind and rain, and that we went home 4 days early. It is perfect for overnights or weekends, and at a push could sleep all 5 of us like sardines,but only in extreme circumstances!

We left at 10, I was dropped at Morrisons at 11 and shopped, getting picked up in time to put it through the till. Jon always does the packing if he is there. We had a late coffee and cake, then went home for lunch!! Just the 3 of us, as Mollie was out with her friend Josh for his 18th birthday. Happy Birthday Josh.

Speaking of birthdays my very best birthday wishes to the lovely Jose. My favourite teacher, and even though I haven't seen her since I was about 11, (40 years week), someone who proved to be a true inspiration. I only wish the teachers who had followed could have built on the confidence she instilled in me. So Happy Birthday Jose on behalf of the thousands of children you taught who were just like me. I hope you've enjoyed your day x

After lunch, we went to the garden centre in the woods just outside Holt. There we bought some wire fence, just a small 10 metre length so that we can section off a small bit to plant the mange tout. That's tomorrow evening's job.

Back home, in the exhausting heat, we had a cup of tea (always the first thing we do when we've been out, and come back home again) and sat in the small bit of shade our garden umbrella created. Henry lit the bbq, and cooked some pork strips I had marinated in piri piri, and some in jerk seasoning. It added something no doubt. Mollie was home in time to eat, and mum and dad came round for strawberries and cream. They arrived about 2pm. Dad's knee is still very bad, he can hardly walk. It is very unlike him to be unable to walk any slower than takes a gentle jog to keep up. His Dr sent him for a scan, but the hospital cancelled it, saying their committee didn't agree to it. He now has a new date at the end of July, at another hospital, but again it has to be approved by their committee. It is disgraceful.

At 8.45 with still a fair amount of light, we walked the dog round to the allotment. I took a fork. The bit dug last week, has been baked in the sun this week. It is clay, so now a further challenge of digging over with a fork, removing solid clay lumps, and weeds. I managed an area about 1' x 2 '!! I was sweating buckets, and eaten by mossies. More tomorrow.

The others are catching up with Dr Who, but it's too hot in there. I'm in the conservatory, with the door open. I might sleep here.

Now I know why we only holiday in northern Europe - I can't stand the heat!!

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